Monday, August 13, 2018

The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I know this is a "beloved classic" but honestly, I was pretty bored most of the time. I felt bad for the old man and his unluckiness, and his diametric love for and drive to kill the fish was interesting, but the fish chase drug on sooooooo long, despite it being such a short book. The sadness of the shark attacks at least brought with them some excitement, and I'm glad the old man held on to hope and kept fighting - he certainly did have people at home who loved him and missed him. I actually would have preferred to hear more of the old man and the boy's relationship, and less of his solitary hunt. Oh well.

Ok, now that I have been reminded that this is on the Lost Lit List, I find it a bit more interesting, and I wish I had remembered that when I was reading. There are definitely some comparisons you can make - an epic battle against nature, and survival through hope come to mind. *Maybe* some day I'll re-read it, with that in mind. But don't hold your breath. ;)

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